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Gelug Mahamudra 70 Observe your mind! Observe your mind! by Dr B. Alan Wallace
Gelug Mahamudra 43 The 'Sign' of the Mind by Dr B. Alan Wallace
Gelug Mahamudra 52 Taking the Mind as the Path Dr B. Alan Wallace
Gelug Mahamudra 51 Ultimate Nature of Mind by Dr B. Alan Wallace
Gelug Mahamudra 33 Resting in Awareness & Appearance by Dr B. Alan Wallace
Gelug Mahamudra 110 Cut-Through to Rigpa by Dr Alan Wallace
Gelug Mahamudra 24 Beyond the Four 'Great' Immeasurables by Dr B. Alan Wallace
Gelug Mahamudra 42 Theory of Ontological Relativity by Dr B. Alan Wallace
Gelug Mahamudra 63 Shamatha in the “Holy War” to Destroy Mental Afflictions by Dr B. Alan Wallace
Gelug Mahamudra 81 Examining Our Manifest Nature by Dr Alan Wallace
Gelug Mahamudra 77 Padmasambhava's Pith Instruction by Dr Alan Wallace
Gelug Mahamudra 71 Point Out Rigpa by Dr B. Alan Wallace